Nice. I admire the way you've hung in there, when it was obviously extremely hard at times. Also, your elevation of humour above tragedy: the correct artistic and moral move, but few pull it off as profoundly as you. Yeah, I'll buy the hardback, although the letters had better be big, Feh is doing its best to blind me too. (The vitreous has dried and detached in my right eye, leaving an absurd number of floaters; nowadays I read like a guy trying to catch sight of a beautiful woman across a dancefloor packed with vigorously bopping party people and bouncing helium balloons).

May it outsell the Bible. And get better reviews.

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Very much appreciated, Julian. I have had your essay "Divine Comedy" saved to my "In Case of Emergency, Read" folder ever since it appeared. Search for it and read it, FPers - it's gospel. The good kind.

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Oh, I’m delighted to discover that you’ve read that essay, and honored to learn that you found it, perhaps, in some small way, helpful. Thank you.

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Done and shared, friend!

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander


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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

I would say I am breathlessly awaiting my pre-ordered copy, but I want to make sure I am still breathing when it arrives … anything from you, Shalom, is cause for me to celebrate.

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

Your words help me find Feh solidarity, always. I don't want to invite her into my cave, but she's just gonna stand there and torment me if I don't. So I say, fine, welcome. Sit over here with LOVE and tell her how much I suck. Love is a good listener, and eventually even Feh gets tired of talking. Can't wait to dip into the new memoir

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Fehs unite.

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

I really enjoyed this interview with yourself and might do the same to promote my memoir (out july 9.. hey, pub month buddy!) Also I’ve preordered, can’t wait to wallow in Feh!

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

Any interview for which the inevitable 'Who WON'T like this book?' is answered by the author with 'Tesla drivers' and 'Jonathan Swift' has me hooked to read the book.

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

Fantastic. I love this path you’re on. I’m ordering everything you’ve ever written that’s available in the UK

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

This weirdly enough is the most compelling description of a memoir I’ve ever read. I have a perverse giggle lodged somewhere in my chest and it’s a spot of light.

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Jun 28Liked by Shalom Auslander

I have never pre-ordered a book so fast!

Honestly, I'm on the verge of crying, just reading this post. This book is going to be incredible. Foreskin's Lament was so important to me in college and I can't wait to see the result of what's been simmering in Shalom since then.

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What did I miss regarding Paul Rudd

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Gonna have to read the book, Mary. Can't give it all away.

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now i'm nervous.

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Same. What did he do to land on the same list as Tucker Carlson and Ayn Rand, and do I want to know because it might ruin my enjoyment of things he’s in… gah!

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I don't have an infinity pool, but have thought I might like an infinity pool looking out over the ocean (although that would require not only being able to afford a pool, but also a place with a view of an ocean). Does this disqualify me from liking your book?

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Our condition of Feh is an a priori intuition. As such, there is no way out— except when we get a glimpse of the supreme joke that the universe* has played on us. From this glimpse spouts the unending wellspring of humor and despair. Take your pick. Which one is it today?

*"Universe" or "God", meaning "ultimate cause" is a cop-out. This is the crucial thing. This is what there is to pay attention to, without being consumed by delusions. Yet we gloss over it all the time. Too much unreflective explanation (the stupid kind of storytelling) leads into deeper, thicker, more luxuriant, super-heinous Feh.

Feh needs us to wallow in it, just like God needs us to worship him. You're a recruit.

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What's humor without despair? Or despair without humor? But as for Feh being an a priori intuition, I have to disagree. No baby is born hating itself. It is something we are taught to do, as we are taught to hate others. Read the book, I'd like to hear what you think. As for wallowing - you're right. The book is about my attempts to get past Feh. With humor. And despair.

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This is all fascinating. The eastern religion that I was often around as a kid had ”basic goodness” as a central premise. I don't think that I realized that that was unusual, and maybe really powerful, until I read your wonderfully-written piece just now. I've toyed with the idea that all of the theology around original sin was mainly a way to help grapple with the fact that we all,impact the world, sometimes negatively. But what you're describing here is different, and darker. Look forward to reading the book.

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Looking forward to it! We Victims-of-Feh are legion! We need a flag! A movement with catchy slogans! Now, who shall we blame?

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Excited about the book. But its release date is the anniversary of when I left my mother’s cozy, dark womb, and I hadn’t realized my birthday was approaching until now. Damn. I wonder how old I’ll be. My daughter might know. She’ll round down, too.

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At least it was cozy. I'm pretty sure mine was more like a Best Western off an interstate in Idaho.

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I imagine it was cozy—because I can’t remember and choose to believe it was better than life out here.

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I placed a hold on the audio version, just now, did you narrate it?

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I did, yes.

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Been waiting for this. And dude, you’ve got a blurb from David Sedaris, that’s stellar! Loved Hope:A Tragedy and Mother for Dinner.

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Pre-ordered your book immediately and with excitement. Can't believe I hadn't discovered your writing until a few months ago, when I enjoy it so much. I'm still going to keep reading / stealing your free substack. But thank you - especially for expressing the desire to throttle Yuval Noah Harari over that Sapiens book - it's been a while since I've read it, but amen to that.

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