This should have run at the Super Bowl, after the "Jesus gets us" ads. You know, sort of a Celestial Fairness Doctrine.

Very funny.

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And if you look at the Dickheads being Godly across the globe right now, whose names we know only too well, I'm happy to be nameless.

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Lot's wife was the first whistleblower. Imagine if we'd been taught that she was the heroine of the story, and not the villain?

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Makes me wonder about those matriarchal societies wiped out by … just about everyone?

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As a vagina person, I reluctantly agree with this PSA.

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I wish I could laugh, but this moisture keeps leaking from my eyes, and my heart hurts

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Good grief, Auslander! This series gets worse and worser! I laugh and then I cry. Keep up the good work, man.

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There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament. Plenty more to come...

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You are kidding. 929? Was there really that much to say? Sounds like Twitter. I must have had a Catholic abridgment, maybe a five-book version ... specially selected by the Pope..

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We are in The Crusades, version 666. Thank you for exposing the hypocrisy and existential danger of using religion as a means to grab power and quell dissent.

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This. It explains the Trumpian tilt towards complete destruction of America as we know it…using a popular belief system and it’s oldest Testaments to hoodwink everyone is a grift. F’ck the traveling salesmanship of these money-changing warmongers! We are all being sold down a raging river of hate and fear and rampant corruption that suggests capitulation to whatever’s going to keep us afloat. I’d stop paying taxes if I could afford jail.

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And jail? No Alexei N. to ask about that?! A victim? Like Jesus in a way? Trying to get the god of Russia- to what? Be kind, civil, as long as you obey? Hmmm.

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When you shift the blame to the victim

You only prove your guilt

That’s right there needs to be delivered the numerous Narcissists I’m having to endure of late Fkn brilliant Auslander

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I love the Scorsese Cape Fear and Robert DeNiro makes a great vengeful asshole god. Though I didn't much like Killers of the Flower Moon, but I guess that's off topic.

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God is gynophobic. This website spells it out as if they just watched your video: https://www.verywellmind.com/gynophobia-the-fear-of-women-4692335.

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And xenophobic. And homophobic. And he doesn't seem to like Jews very much.

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Oh Jesus SA!! Even my keyboard is screwed up now!!

Well, what was the deal with having Jesus come to earth; having all people come to THE (His Father) - God of the chosen- Jewish people (who needed Him desperately, the way things were going).

Oh: to show them that laws aren’t MORE important than people & so create an attitude of forgiveness & another 11th commandment (in spite of most’s ability to keep the 1st 10- but hey…) they (He & Him) had hope. Because Jesus was really all right (by most standards), & the people (especially those healed or related to those healed- which statistically was quite a few), & He (Jesus) supposedly said - he didn’t come for the righteous & the good should keep doing good, etc; & trust & have faith - & that since God is everywhere, His Spark of divinity is within; so, understand - that God only asks we “behave,” (10 original ways + 1 now that he’s forgiving, & wanting loving) since though prophecy & tradition is good, God had a real bad rep by end of OT; & so to show that it’s humans that hate, spite, greed, He lets Jesus get crucified (cause there really is no death if we’re spirits living in flesh suits in a material world, trying to work out eons of karma), so we’d see- it’s not God, but His human creations that instead of using their divinity in helping, loving ways- they kill & envy et al, till he gets so sick of their trying to usurp His power, that He has to start over… & He (thru sacrifice of son), shows us it’s men that need to wake up, help each other, & thereby serve Him (& maybe prove him right to the other gods if we can trust any written words); & correct the misogyny & the gyno-one; & homo one & any thing hateful because obviously men & women can & do love each other too (sex being another subject)!

And the patriarchal BS that came about with the replacement of Lil by Eve to where men even had a 2nd version of Genesis to continue to promulgate the fallacies (& even after Jesus- wouldn’t let it go - why would they, after eons of subjugation… lol yeah ERA will do it). But no. Women must cover themselves head to toe, so men won’t rape them & have to blame them & stone & kill them… (not to mention give up everything precious to them to further their husband’s desires- including their sons in wars that are mostly unjust)!

And so women & their little children are still relegated to immigrant status, to slave for others, while their husbands & bigger sons stay behind & fight the land grabbing, war mongering auto/oli- whatever’s lies & “defense contractors,” who make the government reps rich, so their laws keep the status quo around the world… !!OMG!! I’m getting sick 🤢 TTYL..👋 a female (this round)!


I must say- “Jesus is just all right by me.” And if people were truly Christian (not the paternal/fraternal Jewish version eke’d out by the Catholic & other churches -especially- sick, hateful southern evangelical OT based men who just wanted to continue slavery), then would anyone truly thinks Jesus would’ve wanted “Christian Guns & Knives,” (FL) to lead a gang to the capital of the supposed: most Christian Democratic nation (that’s really a republic, so those powers that be can over ride the votes of people they think aren’t smart enough, or educated enough- (which given school curriculums, & the total misinformation that’s way pre-20th century) especially those opposed to even teaching the science vs “creationism,” as if the world was created 5K years ago & no one else existed, it’s probably a good thing, but don’t think this was the idea hundreds of years later, either.

And now - must stop!

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What a loser.

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God is existence The very it of being in entirety as we are

BUT We humans are full of magic potential and very capable of mighty destruction - the low vibrating hollow souls of no education blind elucidation that hate despise envy these are the ones who often wrote the bible versions and teaching used today

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Torah interpretation for the rest of us. Brilliant

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Will you be selling Vagina People merch? cuz I’ll buy all of it

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It's possible, check with the Vagina Person in charge - https://orliauslander.substack.com/

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Cool. I just subscribed.

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The bible books were written by self-righteous conspiracy theorising trolls, translated by narcissists and edited by megalomaniacs. I think they were all eating mushrooms on the job too.

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And about leaders who think they are God, and that’s a shame too.

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The Old Testatment is a decent page turner, but I"ll never understand why anyone would give the god of the Old Testament anything other than the finger.

More importantly, have I been mispronouncing "Lot" all these years? Inquiring minds want to know.

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It's pronounced "incest."

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