I asked my wife to read this out loud to me but it was so good I heard nothing at all.

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Thank you for tapping out this comment so we all can hear it in our heads.

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Jun 7Liked by Shalom Auslander

This is a really beautiful article and it reminds me to listen to the beauty and turn down the volume on the ugly❤️

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For some reason this piece brought to mind Shelley's poem, "When the lamp is shattered" which starts:

When the lamp is shattered

The light in the dust lies dead—

When the cloud is scattered

The rainbow's glory is shed.

When the lute is broken,

Sweet tones are remembered not;

When the lips have spoken,

Loved accents are soon forgot.

Notably, one can "hear" this poem even when it is read silently.

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Lots of shattered lamps lately.

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As an antidote to this sad prediction, I offer the memory of the very loud birdsong during the pandemic. It really surprised people who had never stood still long enough to hear it.

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This is a sad (but beautiful) article. Sad because it is true. It is becoming more difficult to hear the world's beauty over the screams of the angry and the stupid

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Best parable of our times that I have read.

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Jun 8Liked by Shalom Auslander

But this one goes to eleven.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 8

Pointing out/listening for what's ugly seems to take no effort at all, so easy to fall in line, scream out the ills alongside everyone else. Pointing out/listening for what's beautiful and good? Revolutionary. Anyhow, world in a grain of sand, heaven in a wildflower, kinship, thank you.

Edited to add a recommendation: fix the news (fka future crunch) newsletter. Imagine... a newsletter about news that lands in your inbox and elicits glee. And often sounds like birds raindrops waves.

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Well framed.

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I reblogged this beautiful post.


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Very nice.

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Shalom, I love you. As another writer with mental health issues, I feel your pain. Your writing always has something brilliant in it. Thanks.

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Don't lump me in with you, Looney Tunes. I'm the model of emotional stability.

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and you’re shitty to your peers

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OH SORRY, Dalai Negila, I just thought maybe you were in an actual fetal position instead of just fronting about it.

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Sorry, Cintra, I was joking. I assumed any claim by me to emotional health would make that obvious.

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Sorry man. I do that all the time. Still love you .

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The tears you evoke, cherished Shalom Auslander, can be as cathartic as a belly laugh

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I would not quite disregard the existence of a real volume fiddlers behind the scenes. Ear pirates. But now that we have caught them in the act they do not stand a chance. So for the sake of our ears - out with you CNN and come in the cooing of doves; out with you FOX and in with the howl of the wolves, keep away CNBC and come closer children laughing in the park....... and at last, the thunder of silence.

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What's "silence?"

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Maybe I can say it like this: silence makes all sounds possible. All sounds, nice or nasty, inside the mind or outside of ourselves, arise out of silence. It is there all the time behind and between words, notes of music, thoughts and breaths. It is like the sky. Sounds are like the clouds passing by.

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What a gift of a beautifully resonant peace.

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My progress reading this: Oh my this happened to me recently! I know what he’s talking about!oh shoot he’s feeling it too oh no this isn’t good uh oh yup captured it damn.

Though I wove a grass basket with friends on Saturday and while I did it the leaves came out on the trees and a red eyed vireo sang his heart out. Wrapping reeds around sea grass fixes the volume? Ok. I’ll take it.

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I like your attitude. Working with your hands, creating. Tuned into bird songs. Noticing the change of season. You know all is well with you when the above is just happening.

Must get into the basket weaving myself. Having expressed an interest about 10, maybe even 15 years ago.

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Jonathan Swift is smiling is his grave- Bravo!

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