Nov 11, 2023Liked by Shalom Auslander

“Just taking the fucking diary, Franz” made me choke

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This makes me want to (a) read more Kafka and (b) go swimming this afternoon.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Shalom Auslander

Fuck, yeah!

What a fucking great voice is yours, Shalom Auslander!

(Sándor Ferenczi, an early psychoanalyst who was a mensch, wrote a lovely paper extolling so-called “obscene words” as the only language in which we are wholly alive.)

So thank you and Franz for this: go swimming. What the fuck else is there to do, anyway?

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Just checked the French translation of the quote. It’s quite funny, it goes « L’Allemagne a déclaré la guerre à la Russie. Après-midi piscine. »

The first half is more or less like the Eng one, but the second half ‘apres-midi piscine’ is almost childlike, like out of a high-school program. It’s hard to translate but it has a “bbq day” feel to it, which is hilarious.

Nice post.

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Love that - the joke works in any language. The whole thing has a Yiddish-ness to it. "It's fucked, what are you gonna do?"

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I love what you say about voice: "that elusive almost mystical admixture of tone and thought and stance, that somehow truest self that through some strange spiritual alchemy emerges through words on a page." This is why we read the new books of authors we love: to hear that voice again.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Shalom Auslander

Loved the "Brained"

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weird thing but you should pick up Van Gogh’s journals if you haven’t already. The vibe is kind of similar to Kafka’s diaries (but I haven’t been able to afford the new translation yet) -- it’s just like this total obsession with his painting and viewing everything through that lense

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I know re the price - "It's sad enough I'm writing someone's diaries, but forty bucks make it even sadder."

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You delight me

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Right up there with the first entry in Barbellion's

The Journal of a Disappointed Man & A Last Diary

(Hogarth Press, 1984; originally 1919), written when he was 13: "Am writing an essay on the life history of insects and have abandoned the idea of writing on 'How Cats Spend their Time'. "

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Ashamed to say I've never heard of it, but looking forward to reading - it's out of print and has zero reviews on Amazon, which speaks very well of it.

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No Kafka but similar intensity. Much of his feverish writing life focussed on his death -- he died of MS at 30.

There's a cheap 2017 Dover edition stlll in print.

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Hey! Hold it. How cats spend their time can be pretty entertaining, if you ask me...


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He abandoned that idea?? The nerve. Boss Cat’s not gonna like this. (Inside joke sorry)

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I was thinking of leaving a comment, but I'm too busy writing. (And yeah, what Kafka said)

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I was going to reply, but I was too busy swimming.

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I was going to go swimming, but I'm too busy invading Russia.

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What's "Russia?" Sounds made up.

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It's not though. I can see it from my house.

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Ha ha ha ha ha!

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Great post, Shalom. Wonderful writing, so it must be working.

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Thank you for this wise permission - “By all means let’s solve the world’s problems. But perhaps the way to do that is to start with the world inside our heads. It’s worth a shot.”

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Surrealist fiction and frozen margaritas. You know, the important things.

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Thank you ... I'm sure many of us needed this. If I were into tatoos, I'd put this one where I'd see it every time I reached for X. "But no amount of political debate will ever fix what’s broken within us."

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Encircling a skull with a sword through its eyes, I hope.

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Yes! There are so many choices! I choose swimming too! There is so much wisdom in that!

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