How long can it fake die for? (4 years?)

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I imagine there are a few that stay dead - probably watched too much news.

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Only 2!!

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Isn't what that Mimosa does its Fetal Position? You two have the craftiest of survivor strategies. I salute you both.

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You're in good company, Shalom:

“In an insane world a sane man must appear insane.”~ C William King

"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." ~ Akira Kurosawa

"Insanity is the only sane reaction to an insane society." ~ Thomas Stephen Szasz

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? ~ Albert Einstein

Nonetheless, I prefer your laughing flower to all this insanity stuff ....

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Made me feel a bit insane for a moment or maybe it was sanity

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Camp Fuck Off. 🤣🤣🤣

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a true mimosa. they are found here in texas, ground huggers with sweet flowers. the sensitive plant. and with teeny thorns. this was a sensitive post.

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What a great way to fool a predator ... make them think you're impotent. Little do they know .....

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“…the relentless roman shower of misery that enriches the retcher while murdering the retched upon.”

That is a splendid line. Thank you for finding the words for the circus of appointments now happening. How delicious for the retcher that we watch and feel wretched and murderous.

I must find out how to do that media “be gone!” It sounds like sanity. Like the flower.

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This is my Be Gone-ifier of choice, but there's also just smashing the damned thing with a hammer:


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Playing dead literally saved my life. Someone was trying to kill me and wasn't going to stop until they were sure they had. Bigger. Angrier. Stronger. That was the only logical choice. It felt like I was breathing through my pores. Didn't move or make a sound as he continued to punch me. Finally, he fell asleep on top of me, too exhausted to finish the rape he'd started. I don't know how long I laid there, dead beneath him. Long enough to be sure he was deeply asleep, enough so he wouldn't notice me slide off the bed, onto the floor, and escape, coming back later with someone bigger and stronger than him who loved me.

I saved myself playing dead.

My friend cleaned up the mess left behind.

Sometimes, not fighting back is the right choice in the moment.

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Jesus, Jodi - I think I speak for all us when I say, "Holy fuck."

Did the piece of shit get what was coming to him? Like castration?

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He was thrown down two flights of metal stairs. I made poor “friend” choices for a number of years. He tied for first place of “worst friend.” Forty years later, I’m still here. I have no idea what happened to either of them. Eventually, the universe balances everything out. 🩵 But, I understand that plant and appreciate knowing about it.

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Yes. I agree with the holy fuck of it. I’m sure there’s more backstory there but I’m glad you’re here Jodi.

Great essay shalom, I relate to all of it. I’m playing dead in Plainview.

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I understand this plant. I am a quitter.!

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If only humans had the same capacity.

I want to come back as this plant!

I'm in Australia but still want to curl up for the next 4 years.

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It's not the curling I admire, it's the laughing.

Curling without laughing is just Ingmar Bergman.

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I hope that not too much shape shifting and rolling up is required in the next years. One day people will see that from the ones that only take not much is to be expected.

On another topic: will an audio book of FEH come out any time soon?

Many thanks and have a good weekend!

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It's available now, Rob. Check with Bezos.

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Many thanks!

Ah great to see it in the US.

I will ask them when it will come out in the UK. (I should have mentioned it ...)

Have a good one!

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The first step is admitting we have a problem....

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Stay healthy, Shalom!

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I am now equally obsessed with this plant! Thanks for this post.

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Remembered you from your Moth story novel from around that time. So happy to have found your Substack today!

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Overwhelmed by evil and wicked news just how I felt today up to now,just recovering.

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