I don't like leaving comments on my own posts, or wading into current events, but given what's going on in the Middle East today, this one seems depressingly well-timed.

"Al Aqsa." "Feast of Torah." "God is good."

Fuck this shit.

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Somewhere along the line I realized that the idea that "man [sic] was made in the image of God" had it backwards. Clearly, God was made in the image of man. And not the kind of man you would want to spend much time with.

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Or call a "father"

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OMG... I'm in.

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Love it! It almost makes me wish I hadn’t been brought up an atheist so I could stick it to ‘Im even more. Can’t wait until you get to the part about Eve and the patriarchal boot.

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I haven't watched television in years. I don't watch videos online. But this … oh, I must watch more.

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Richard Pryor on the guy who shot the Pope: “That guy wanted to go to hell, and he did not want to wait in line.” Save me a seat!

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Imagine having a father who says you should kill your own child to prove you love him. That's beyond toxic. What does it matter that he stops you at the last moment. I remember being absolutely horrified by this story as a child. Because as a child I identified with Isaac. I wonder how their relationship was afterwards? "Hey Dad, remember how you tried to kill me because the leader of your weird cult told you to?"

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Dara Horn’s response is “God is furious every day. Who isn’t?” So for us atheist folks, god being a huge projection of Man. And through the ages, Man with weapons. Who should we fear more, for godssakes.

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Oh, yes! As a lifelong atheist I applaud your approach. So much more fun than FFRF, Freedom from Religion Foundation!

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Against the assault of humor nothing can stand - Twain.

Worth a shot, right?

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Will certainly watch the series

A brief stay in Jerusalem last year convinced me that the « Holy City » is in fact simply cursed 🤷‍♀️

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Holy is bad.

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Sad day when we are supposed to be happy...

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Well you got me. I’m in. And I agree. Fuck this shit.

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Cry-laughing. This is amazing.

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Deep! As always - comedy is the best way to get us to think

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Welcome to my childhood nightmares. preaching to the choir here.

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For work done almost on the fly, well done as always, Shalom! I need the laughs. Thank you.

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