If on the back of my Scion XD, I affix an NRA sticker next to a Pride Flag sticker and a "Jesus Fish" sticker next to a "I love Satan" Logo will it induce conservative heads to explode? I think it'll give me something to fun to watch as I pass the time at stoplights.

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Please do it and post the vid. You could also slap a Coexist sticker on your dually, along with a peace symbol, a Greenpeace logo and a Trump sticker and see what happens when liberals pull up behind you. Endless fun.

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One of my favorite stickers (found in Reno, NV) said, "Earth First! We'll mine the other planets later."

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Yep. That would do it. Cool.

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Infowars sticker alongside COEXIST.

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May 31Liked by Shalom Auslander

I find "I'm judging you," to be sufficient.

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Be sure to have your frame lifted and mount enormous intimidating tires. With spikes on the lug nuts.

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And a sign for the rear window saying "Size Issues."

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Looking for those sweet spiked hubcaps for my Prius😎

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Yeah the tires snd spikes say more than anything else can possibly say.

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Definitely will add to the intimidation effect and full expression of "Napoleon Complex."

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Time to paint flames on my Prius 😎

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Next the the Punisher sticker.

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Rear window … one of those graphic tint shade things with the punisher ascending…

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Lovely, that one is.

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Maybe get an entire truck wrap that turns it into the 'caps lock' key. Aggros everywhere will know YOU MeAN BUsiNesS.

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It's an important rite of passage in American life. So my husband and I once made our own bumper sticker that said "I'm a cannibal. And I vote!"

We changed cars, and have matured since then (somewhat). So our current vehicle only has "I (heart) chupacabras."

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So you must have read Shalom’s splendid opus “Mother for Dinner”😴

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OMG no!!! I have not!!! But I will rectify that immediately.

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Shalom Auslander

"I've seen a few o those trucks these days with Old Glory flying from the bed of a truck, collecting dirt and exhaust grime as it ripples down the road. On one level, I find it disturbing, especially as Trump's MAGA thugs goosestep toward victory in November. Then again, often I just feel pissed because people have such a disregard for the flag or the code that was written to protect its honor. (The Code being only a suggesting, so drape yourself in the colors at will. Who the fuck cares.) Meanwhile, I am glad you chose the flag to express your strength. Those other symbols would probably inspire violence from other drivers, things being as angst-ridden as they are. Actually, a hand indicating a certain gesture of disdain would be quite sufficient in creating all kinds of negative reactions.

On closing this (sort of) satirical reply, maybe you'd get a kick out of my response to a certain bumper sticker I've seen. https://suecauhape.substack.com/p/saturday-special-my-daily-prayer

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Nice post. I call out God's name when I orgasm, does that count?

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Of course it does. Any time we invoke God, we are remembering Its existence in our lives. Right?

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I loved that post, Sue!

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Thank you, Allison.

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You started off and I couldn't stop smiling and laughing. Then you showed your keen observational analysis of culture (some of it hurt) and finished with a message. You're a great read.

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Especially loved:

“It’s okay, Margaret, nothing to worry about, he’s with the NRA.”

Now, if you want to attract violence instead of projecting violence, do what my wife and I did: put a Biden sticker on the back of your VW Jetta.

My wife, driving alone, was almost run off the road by, you guessed it, two F 150s with giant American flags out their arses.

The good news, and full disclosure here, it was not a conspiracy of F1 50s. It was two separate incidents over a week.

Funny what qualifies as “good news” these days. ;-)

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Forget about electric cars - let's develop a vehicle that can't hold a sticker or a flag.


Anything on that front?

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He’s too busy sending bags of money to gold toilet.

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I think the only thing scarier would be to add a Lone Star flag off the other corner of the truck bed , and perhaps a bright yellow [radio active ☢︎ ] sticker in your back window... Just saying.

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I love these replies, but I haven't seen one that suggests a pair of those rubber testicles hanging from the trailer hitch. Gotta have those. Oh. and the mud flaps with the reclining nude woman.

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When they hang rubber vaginas, we'll know we are all truly equal.

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Exactly, but the rubber balls sway so much more than vaginas would. I dare say they would be better hung from the rearview mirror, but that might be a tad too distracting for the driver, especially a teenaged boy.

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Sorry, friend, I think that misses the point.

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In Florida where I live, one can throw a rock and hit a pickup with the stickers you mentioned. The only variety is the color and size of said pickup. The flag guys come out more on the weekends where I live. They were parading today, showing support for their felonious cult leader with American flags, and flags that spoke of a certain political party sucking. Also, the cult leaders name was emblazoned on some.

They never haul anything in these pickups except mulch from Home Depot in the beds and their asses in the air conditioned comfy large bench seat in the front. Also, they complain about the price of gas but continue to make special flag waving trips around the city and county.

Also a sticker to add- something about Brandon, or not treading on them. I dunno.

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You missed an opportunity to confirm your lack of concern for global warming with a “Powered by recycled dinosaurs” sticker.

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Love your article however being a woman you just gotta know I have to add my two cents and my two cents will be biased because I am of the feminine gender for real! If you want to be an intimidating badass AND attract women which is why most men want to be big deal macho men, you have to show the world you have Kahunas! Nothing says that like a huge pair of brass balls hanging from the trailer hitch. I mean big oversized testicles out there just a swinging!!!

Sorry I couldn’t resist! I am laughing so hard now!! Peace

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1Author

You speak the truth, Holly. Please note that since you're a woman, your two female cents are only really worth one male cent, so go ahead and add a couple more next time.

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Jun 2Liked by Shalom Auslander

Love it!!! This is fun yo trade barbs friend and that was a great comeback but the entire value system of the male species is as you point out monetary, we women deal in more than symbolic pieces of metal or flimsy paper! But appreciate really the attempt to try and gain our level. Peace

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It’s a Ford 150 dilemma. 🛻

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This is one of those days I’m glad my parents decided to leave the good ol’ US of A - where back in the 70s, the prevailing sticker was “America, love it, or leave it.” We did.

However, I still retain the right to vote (and file tax returns- yay), so one more vote to hold back the tsunami of sticker, gun waving folk…

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I look at vehicles in which the owner apparently got caught in a compulsion of adding more and more stickers, in which any negative space became an aesthetic affront, and I could only think, “If you can’t stop until every space is covered, stickers is a better compulsion than tattoos. You can get a new car and start all over.”

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