I had a funny thought about 40 years ago that still entertains me. What if blinking was voluntary? Lazy people, too lazy to blink, would have all sorts of shit stuck to their dry eyeballs. It could be peeled off like dryer lint. That's it. Weed was probably involved.

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That's a better thought than anything our thought leaders have come up with.

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Someone told me just this morning, "I know what you're thinking."

"Please," I replied, "please tell me!"

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I feel seen...

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Nobody hounds plumbers for thoughts, but I hear their work is still draining.

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Self driving cars!! Big no! All of us control freaks will...well, Freak! Hell! I still drive a standard....what do you think about that?

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No thought, no problem 😂

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The bad news: there are no (more) original thoughts.

The good news: all thoughts can be considered from new perspectives and presented thusly.

(I was going to say "alt-thoughts," but we already have those, and many of them are Not Pretty!)

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An entertaining minute or two to escape the vortex of my own thoughts or are they even thoughts? Phrases perhaps, words searching for freedom maybe. Anyway, this was a glimmer in my evening.

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You had me at Seth. Kept me too, laughing, till the end. Thank you.

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"Lean out" made me laugh. Thanks! Will do.

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Love "the schmuck podiatrist." now, that's a thought. who can think straight (or crooked) these days? fugget about it.

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And Buddhist monks sit cross-legged for years in caves to achieve "No-thought". Sweetie you are totally in the lead! You did it! Cutting edge, ahead of the pack. The man who debunked thinking on his way to his publisher and Starbucks and demoted it from Descartes bullshit scale of achievement. Yay! And I bet you this thought of mine has been thunk before but I share it anyway.

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just today, here in austin, on the eastside and on my way to pick up groceries, i probably pass 5, maybe 6 or 7, driverless cars…you cannot miss them…these odd racks on the roof, usually a weird sort of paint job on the rear that moves to white in the front. oddest thing. i wonder if they peruse the westside or the north…i should think the south austin crowd, at one time, would be totally offended…why so many on the eastside, in my neighborhood? methinks it might be that we are essentially ‘downtown’, near the river…just the freeway separating us and the sky-scrapered moneyed. the neighborhood is becoming less a community of poc and more a community of moneyed, as ‘twere. now, there is a thought

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Lol. 😝 The picture & comment would’ve sufficed, but thanks for trying so hard. Best wishes S.

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Thoughts about thinking about thoughts? Too meta?

Nah! It escapes the uncanny valley!

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Golly, Shalom. I, myself, write exclusively about thoughts that have been written about before. Do you know how many people out there have never read the original thinkers' thoughts and think I am fucking brilliant?! A lot. (I write just for them.) And I LOVE thoughts like these: “I had a thought about your face and my fist." I've never had a thought like that in my life, but it sure does make me laugh. Thanks.

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